Dreams Never Die DAO
Dreams Never Die DAO

Dreams Never Die DAO

A music community seeking to build sustainability around brand-new artists and individuals behind them


Our Mission

A record label that specializes in finding, developing, and launching brand-new musical talent; specifically, artists who move the needle.

Our mission is to position artists for success by providing resources and guidance in the very early stages, while concurrently amassing a diverse catalog of forward-thinking songs from potential stars.

We’re looking for early builders to join the team—especially those with experience in tokenomics and the broader Web3 space, but also artists, aspiring and established music professionals, fans, and anyone who resonates with our mission.

We intend for Dreams Never Die to become an incubator for brand-new artists and aspiring music business talent alike, built around an incentivized and aligned community that participates in discovering, developing, distributing, and promoting the roster. Similarly to the existing label, the music will be the backbone of the DAO.



Our Values

  • We’re a team of music lovers with a lifelong passion for unearthing the world’s best new talent.

  • We anticipate needing a diverse, passionate team as we grow, and we encourage anyone aligned with our mission to tap in.