Seed Club
Seed Club

Seed Club

DAO that builds and invests in communities


Our Mission

Seed Club’s mission is to serve web3 community builders.

We’re building a future where the value created by communities on the internet is captured by people, not platforms.

We do this by supporting our accelerator and studio projects, and in our growing network of contributors, collaborators, and members.

This network of projects and DAO ecosystem builders is what makes Seed Club valuable.




Accelerator Portal

Club Press

Our Alumni DAOs

Strategic Contributors

Seed Club DAO Podcast

Seed Club Opportunities

Our Values

  • Let’s fucking thoughtfully go (LFTG)- There is learning in movement. There is impact in movement with intention.

  • Having an explorer’s mindset- We follow our curiosity. We don’t have all the answers but we will seek them. We are kind, accessible, and fair.

  • Building together (wagmi)- Collaboration beats competition. We are in this together. We willingly bring others on our adventures and we actively participate in the adventures’ of others. We are an inclusive space for builders.

  • Building for the long term- We are building for quality, for impact, and for change. This is not about short-term wins.

  • We serve communities- Our community is for DAO community leaders, creators, makers, doers, and those that want to learn about building tokenized communities.