Our Mission
Governor DAO is a Wyoming-based Decentralized Autonomous Organization positioned as the “DAO of DAOs”. Governors offer a suite of products and services for projects looking to build DAO qualities in their communities.
Our offerings include an industry-first Sybil-resistance product for one-voice-one-vote governance and as governance bootstraps for new communities, consultations, and smart contract porting.
By decentralizing project ownership, GDAO allows founders and core team members to hold fewer legal liabilities and offer more open-based “Sandbox-like'' services in DeFi.
Driven by its biometrically verified Proof-of-Existence token, GDAO aims to be a role model for other DAOs by offering its end-users the utmost security and anonymity in a true, decentralized governance community.
By offering Governance-as-a-Service (GaaS), GDAO anticipates offering proficient security through Proof-of-Existence (PoE) verification and admittance into communal governance discussions, advancements, integrations, and interests.
Governance is intended to keep order and safety and Governor DAO is a first-of-its-kind technology leading by example.
Our Values
Human verification
Utmost security and anonymity