Golden Protocol
Golden Protocol

Golden Protocol

Building the world’s knowledge engine


Our Mission

The world is lacking a decentralized graph of canonical knowledge that is open, free, permissionless and incentivizes agents to enter data into the graph.

Mission- We are out to build the best resource for canonical knowledge.

Our vision is to create a protocol that maps the 10 billion entities that exist and the public knowledge that surrounds them.

Triples - the atomic unit of knowledge

  • Triples, also known as fact triples or SPO triples, are the elemental building blocks of facts that link entities together forming a graph. They are the atoms that build the universe of knowledge as we know it.

  • The protocol supports a rich set of triples types, qualifiers and associated evidence. The triple graph can be used to power Dapps and services that require fundamental knowledge.

Consensus and graph validated

  • Each agent can submit triples to be validated, and, if accepted, will be rewarded tokens.

  • Validators and predictions from the knowledge graph itself decide if triples are accepted.

  • In essence, the protocol incentivizes the knowledge graph construction while defending against gaming attacks.

Protocol development

  • We are developing a protocol, dApp and APIs for submitting and validating triples. is in the process of being optimized for full web3 integration.



Golden Protocol API Docs

Golden Protocol FAQ

dApp Leaderboard


Press and Media


Our Values

  • Large scale knowledge graph- Build the largest canonical graph for humanity and machines. Foundation precursor.

  • Open data- Knowledge is meant to be free and open to accelerate education and development.

  • Transparent- Clear audit trails of how knowledge is entered to the graph with citations.

  • Consensus knowledge- High confidence canonical information approved by consensus validation.

  • Permissionless schema- An ever improving schema contained inside the triple graph.

  • Bounty enabled- Deploy bounties for particular data needs.

  • Data as an NFT- Fractional ownership to agents that do the work to construct the graph.

  • Tokens for triples- Earn currency for building the global knowledge graph.